Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dreams?! Ugh...


Another disturbing dream. Yanooo, I resent the fact that other friends are dreaming of spewing gold and prophetic destinies, and I get rats and tardiness. :-/

Am I missing it that badly Lord?

Ugh. Give me a moment. I need to go wrestle like Jacob. >:-o


  1. Dreams don't always mean to be exactly how they appear. For instance, dreaming of rats, although lucid and yucky, can be seen as a warning of having someone in your life who wishes you harm or perhaps who stands for negativity. To me it sounds as though you have someone watching over you... as always =)

  2. Nicole you are so funny. Remember this is a time of cleansing and purging. You are getting rid of all the yucky stuff so He can fill your wine skins with new wine. Next time I see you, I'll bring my dream journal so you can see how many years I dreamt of horrible things lol.
