The tide is turning and we are preparing for the coming storm.
This weekend, IHOP-KC's Wes Hall came and equipped our Church family during our monthly Awaken the Bride conference. And boy, do I gotta say that the Spirit of God is good, faithful and so sweet! It was like a fresh download and infilling from Heaven for both Caleb and myself and we are now armed & ready with zeal, wisdom and increased understanding on a number of different things. Of course it varies for Caleb and me, but ultimately it brings our family into such a sweet essence of unity, that I am excited to see what's ahead.
The main thing I felt the Lord release for me specifically, was the sweet sweet whisper of His spirit impress upon me this...
"I will set you on fire, and then I will blow upon you."
This doesn't mean He will blow out the fire which He started, but rather that He will blow on it and it will be contagious as others catch on fire...
As I have sought the Lord over the last few weeks I have truly felt that the fulfillment of our calling is soon. I believe with my whole heart our family will be released in a new way unto a prophetic destiny which He has prepared for us. This is the season of preparation. And in preparing, God is stripping away everything that hinders love, everything that attaches itself to us, that we may run, dodge, jump and move when we need and how we need to; in the fullness of the Spirit of Christ.
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and freedom to prisoners."
-Is 61:1
I have seen an increase in dreams, revelations of such dreams and visions, as well as a time of intense preparation for Caleb (the details of which I won't fully mention to honor his place with the Lord in the secret place).
He is coming. And He's preparing us.
This is the season of preparation. As I step into the full-time roll of intercessory missionary I am convinced He is releasing revelation upon revelation of the importance of this mandate.
Oh the joys of knowing Jesus!
He is so faithful, and He will complete He has started in us. :)

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