And then, the Word of the Lord came to me so softly it was barely whisper. In my prayers, I almost missed it.
"What if My mercy came in the form of great physical calamity for this nation?"
Many in the Body of Christ have been sensing the very same thing. America hangs in a balance. And while we cry out for mercy, He's answering our prayers.
The concept of mercy has been a fuzzy one and one that has been objective, at best. We consider mercy the act of being spared from what we consider pain (tends to be more physical and circumstancial rather than spiritual) instead of understanding things from an eternal view.
He's more concerned with our eternity than our now. As I cry out for mercy, I am crying out to be saved and molded into His image. In His Sovereignty, if He should decide calamity will save my soul and return me to Him well then, He is acting in mercy.
As I continue on my journey as an intercessor and I pray for world events such as what's going on Egypt and in this nation, I learn that His ways are always higher and never match up to what I think they should be. Oh, but what a glorious thing! To serve and to love a merciful God...
"gracious, slow to anger and rich in love!"

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