"And He began telling this parable; 'A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any. And he said to the vineyard-keeper, 'Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?' And he answered and said to him, 'Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down.' " -Luke 13:6-7
This Scripture evidently speaks to His followers that bearing the fruit of the Spirit is not an option. We must be characterized by the same things that charazterized Christ, the very nature of who He is. That fruit described in Galatians 5:22-23.
My question then is (and I say this in all humility and with all due respect), why do Western Christians exhibit so little fruit? The fig tree didn't bear fruit the size of coconuts or pineapples. Figs are tiny, berry-like fruit! In His Holiness, He knows our weakness and our frailty. He is the one who created our frame, therefore He knows us so intimately. Yet, this is no excuse to not bear fruit. When naming the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit, Paul mentions that is the fruit. It is one, single fruit that embodies love, joy, peace, patience [longsuffering], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
As I continue on this journey of purging and cleansing, I strive to exhibit fruit. I am contending with the Holy Spirit for a character like Christ. I believe this is what will set the stage for the miraculous and the unprecendented move and harvest of the Holy Spirit in these end times.
How much fruit do you bear?
Also, in these times, there is so much need for prayer, so I am asking that you will keep several families in prayer during this time.
Jenny is 21 weeks pregnant with sweet baby Avery in her womb. The doctors have diagnosed Avery with a "fatal condition" where his brain is filled with fluid, little brain tissue is developed, including the part that connects to his respiratory system. His heart is also on the wrong side of his body and little man has spots on his liver. Doctors want to "induce labor" in 12 days so that she can have the baby, though they are essentially telling her he has no chance of survival. They've also told her they've never seen the organs develop after 20 weeks. Please pray for the hand of God to touch Avery and for a miracle to take place that will confound the wise. Also pray for Mommy && Daddy, for peace and comfort during this trying time.
Steffens Family
Last year, Ken Steffens, my high school photography teacher and my mom's boss' husband, was diagnosed with lung cancer. After a round with chemo and a lot of prayer, Mr. Steffens beat the odds and he beat cancer... Now, the cells are back and there's some fluid in his lungs again. Pray for a good report that tells us he does not have cancer. Most importantly, pray he comes to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.Napoleoni Family
Two night ago, my great-uncle was driving home when a 14 year old boy in a bike cut across him. My uncle, being close to his 80's, didn't have the reflexes to stop as suddenly as was needed and accidentally hit the boy. As of yesterday, the boy is in ciritical condition in the hospital. Please pray for this young boy, his family and my uncle. He is absolutely distraught.Thank you for partnering with me in prayer. How can I pray for you?

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