Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Voted!

Today was election day nationwide. And I pray that you went out to vote, and you voted righteously. Politics is one of those iffy subjects that most people decide they want to walk on eggshells when discussing, but it is a subject this nation can no longer afford to avoid. Voting isn't about choosing leaders that will benefit you and your pocket (since the natural economy has gone to he'll in a handbasket) but about looking at the root and choosing righteousness, purity and life. I guess this post comes a day late and a dollar short, but I have to get it off my chest. I've had so many people tell me that Bush was a bad president because of the economy, the war, blah blah. But Bush was a righteous man who diligently worked to eliminate abortion and to ensure the protection of the sanctity of marriage. Righteousness, he sought. Have we considered that this nation is in the hole it's in because of the heart of the people in this nation. America is full of fools. "A fool says in his heart, there is no God." And isn't that what this nation does? For the sake of equality, we kicked God out of everything and then get angry when He remains silent. He'll only be the lamb for a while longer. He will roar soon. And that roaring will result in judgement. Mark my words. Prepare! Do all you can to return righteousness to the government of this nation. Voting today was historic. Sure hope you didn't miss it.

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