So, this post is
way overdue, considering it's January 22nd now (
ahem) and I still haven't done it. But I want to take some time to re-cap 2010 and welcome in 2011 with a list of goals and pursuits. So, here we go...
2010 Overall Recap:I spent the bulk of 2010 pregnant. Sigh... Can't say I was a big fan of emotional roller coasters and marital spats. Being pregnant proved stressful not just on me, but on outside relationships as well. Having been pregnant for the first time, I felt like I was in a constant state of chaos and limbo. It. was.
miserable. I absolutely loved having life grow within me and receiving continual revelation of the
destiny that dwelt within my womb. That part was super cool. And, yet can't say that I loved post-meal nausea, neverending heartburn and tears at the drop of a hat. Nevertheless, I got Aaliya Liberty Arrazolo out of that, and I wouldn't trade my "defender of freedom" for anything in the world.
Summarizing 2010 would basically lead me to describe a year of testing, hardship and insane growth.
But it was also a year of restoration in friendships. More than anything, I think the Lord established friendships that weren't existant before with people that, well, let's just say, didn't exactly know me, per se. It has been so exciting to see Christ develop these friendships in my life, and to have new ones that are godly, supportive and carry a similar vision for life.
2010 Highlights:- Highlight of the Year: Walking into Winnie Palmer Hospital pregnant. Walking out of Winnie Palmer Hospital with a newborn in my arms. By far, the coolest thing
ever!- Hardest decision of the Year: Stepping down from Remnant leadership.
- Scripture for this Year: "For my grace
is sufficient for you. My strength is perfected in your weakness." -2Corinthians12:9
- Saddest Moment of the Year: Enduring the hardship of miscarriage with several women I know and deeply care for.
- Funniest Moment of the Year: Her name is Chancia M. Richardson-Cruz! ;)
- Most Impactful Lesson Learned: "Love is longsuffering."
- Hot Date of the Year: Hubbs taking me to
Axum Coffee to dream big!
2010 Favorites:- Movie: "Fireproof" (it was on repeat!)
- Song/Lyric: "It's just a little while till I see You, it's just a little while longer till I know You. It's just a little while longer && we'll be together..."
- Person of the year*: Chance & Rache. Hands down. We laughed, cried (sometimes FROM laughing), endured hardships together, and we spoke truth to one another.
- Church service of the year: When mourning hit OHOP. [date forgotten, sry]
- Vacation: Driving to Georgia five months pregnant for a Girls' Weekend.
So, what's up for 2011? Twenty one days into the year, and it's already a 180 degree turn. :) I have been able to establish myself more so in the role of a wife, a mama and a homemaker. I have made the decision to go full time at the
House of Prayer (more on that
big decision at a later post) and have been recklessly and relentlessly pursuing the Word, that I may encounter the Living Word. :) So, below are
some of my new years' resolutions.
- Commit to
singing on a prayer set.
- Wake up daily at 6a.
- Establish family devotion time
- Grow as a homemaker
Tell my testimony (more,
also on this at a later post)
- Read through the entire Bible
- Grow in the prophetic
- Memorize three Scriptures weekly
Ok, there ya have it. 2010 in a nutshell with a hint of what 2011 will look like. :)
Don't forget mamas to check out
*author's note: "Person of the year" is not intended to be a family member. It is an outside individiual that has been an important member of the author's life. Much like family.